D 90484
D 90484
Travel and Tourism Management (BTTM)
Time:Three Hours Maximum 80 Marks
Section A
Answer all questions
Each question carries 1 mark
Define the following in one or two sentences:
1. Universe. 2. Non sampling error.
3. Schedule, 4. Secondary data.
5. Independent Variable .6. Cluster Sampling.
7. Applied Research .8. Inference.
9. Scope of study. 10. Proposition.
11. Research Question .12.Judgment sampling.
(12 × 1 = 12 marks)
Section B
Answer at least six questions.
Each question carries 3 marks.
All questions can be attended.
Overall Ceiling 18:
13. What is reference?
14. What is Null Hypothesis?
15. What is a frequency table?
16. Differentiate between data and Information.
17. Distinguish between probability and non probability sampling.
18. What is an Deduction theory?
19. What is Data Coding?
20. What is a questionnaire?
21. What is Likert scale?
22. What is a literature Review?
23. Distinguish between foot note and end note.
24. What is citation?
(6 × 3 = 18 marks)
Section C
Answer at least four questions.
Each question carries 6 marks.
All questions can be attended.
Overall Ceiling 24.
25. What are the different types of sampling?
26. Explain various types of Business Research.
27. How do you collect secondary data? Explain briefly.
28. What are the important features of business research?
29. What are the various scales used for research analysis?
30. Explain the process of identifying the research problem.
31. Explain the process of coding and decoding the primary
32. What are the features of a good schedule?
( 4 x 6 = 24 marks)
Section D
Answer any two questions.
Each question carries 13 marks.
33. Explain various statistical tools and techniques used for data processing.
34. Describe the method of primary data collection.
35. Illustrate the essential parts of a research report.
36. Prepare a schedule for interviewing the HR Manager of a star hotel for collecting data
about the effectiveness of training and development.
( 2 x 13 = 26 marks)
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