D 10592
D 10592
Computer Science
(2019 Admissions)
Time: Two Hours Maximum 60 Marks
Section A
(Short Answer Type Questions)
Answer at least eight questions.
Each question carries 3 marks. All questions can be attended.
Overall Ceiling 24.
1. Differentiate between static web pages and dynamic web pages.
2. What are the basic HTML data types? Explain each.
3. How will you upload files using forms in HTML?
4. Why did you use script tags? Explain.
5. Mention relational operators and logical operators in JavaScript.
6. When does onload event occur in JavaScript? Give example.
7. What is server side scripting? Discuss its advantages.
8. How did you use comments in PHP?
9. Discuss different variable scopes in PHP.
10. What are sessions? How will you invoke a session in PHP?
11. Write a short note on SELECT INTO statement.
12. Discuss the use of pg_query() and pg.execute() functions.
(8 x 3 = 24 marks)
Section B
(Short Essay Type Questions)
Answer at least five questions. Each question carries 5 marks.
All questions can be attended.
Overall Ceiling 25.
13. Write notes on CSS lists and CSS tables with examples.
14. With the help of examples explain array objects and string objects in JavaScript.
15. How did you write user defined functions in PHP? Explain with an example.
16. Compare GET method and POST method in PHP.
17. Write and explain any five string functions used in PHP.
18. What is PostgreSQL? Describe its features.
19. What is AJAX? How did you implement AJAX in PHP?
(5 x 5 = 25 marks)
Section C
(Essay Type Questions)
Answer any one question.
Each question carries 11 marks.
20. Describe document structure in HTML. Also explain different tags in it.
21. What are the different conditional statements and looping statements used in PHP? Explain each with examples.
(1 x 11 = 11 marks)
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