Computer Science
(2017 Admissions)
Time Three Hours Maximum 80 Marks
Section A
Answer all questions.
Each question carries 1 mark.
1. What do you mean by data types in Java ?
2. What is Byte code ?
3. What is ternary operator in Java ?
4. What is dot operator ?
5. What is method overloading ?
6. What is JDBC?
7. What is AWT?
8. What is character stream classes?
9. What is a File class ?
10. What is adapter class ?
(10 x 1 = 10 marks)
Section B
Answer at least four questions.
Each question carries 4 marks.
All questions can be attended.
Overall Ceiling 16.
.11. Compare and contrast procedure-oriented programming and object-oriented programming.
12. Explain switch statement with example.
13. Explain the exception handling mechanism in Java.
14, How will you create and execute applets in Java ?
15. Explain the structure of AWT
(4 x 4=16 marks)
Answer at least four qurationa
Koch question corrice 7 marta
All questions can be attended
Overall Celine 28
16. Explain the features of Object Orientation
17. Explain primitive and non primitive data types in Java
18. What do you mean by Dynamic Method Dispatch' Give An eta moal
19. What are constructors / Explain its significance.
20. What is finally block 7 When and how is it used 7 Give suitable example
21. Explain the differences between applet program, and application ;
22. Describe the steps for creating packages in Java
23. Explain the major tasks of input and output stream classes
(4 x 7 = 28 marks)
Section D
Answer any two questions
Bach question carries 13 marks.
24. What is polymorphism ? Explain its types with suitable examples,
25. Write a Java program to add two complex numbers using operator overloading.
26. Explain the different types of JDBC statements with examples
27. Write an applet program that receives three numeric values as input from the user and then displays the largest of the three on the screen
28. Describe the life cycle of a thread.
(2 x 13 = 26 marks)
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