D 12005
D 12005
Computer Science
(2019-2020 Admissions)
Time:Two Hours Maximum: 60 Marks
Section A
Answer atleast eight questions Each question carries 3 marks.
All questions can be attended.
Overall ceiling 24
1. What are data structures? Examples
2. Explain the string operation. "Concatenation".
3. How to represent a one dimensional array in memory?
4. What are the advantages of dynamic memory allocation?
5. Specify one of the applications of a linked list.
6. What is the significance of the term "top of the stack"?
7. Explain the procedure to add a new element in to a linear queue.
8. What are priority queues?
9. Define a binary tree data structure with example.
10. Explain in onder tree traversal procedure.
11. What is directed graph ?
12. What is the basic concept of a linear search?
( 8 x 3 = 24 marka)
Section B
Anser atleast five questiona
Each question carries & mur All
questions can be attended. Overall ceiling 25
13. What are the features of a good algorithm ? Discuss the complexity measures.
14. What are sparse matrices? Explain its memory representation and operations.
15. Develop the algorithm to insert a node in a singly linked list.
16. What is recursion? Explain the requirement of a stack in recursion process.
17. What is circular queue? Explain the procedure to add a new element in to a circular
18. Explain the binary tree representation in memory using arrays and linked list.
19. Explain the selection sort procedure with example.
( 5 x 5 = 25 marks)
Section C
Answer any one question.
Each question carries 11 marks.
20. What is linked list representation of queue in memory ? Develop the implementation
21. What are binary search trees? Develop the algorithm to create a binary search tree in
(1 x 11 = 11 marks)
നിങ്ങൾക്ക് ഉപകാരപ്പെട്ടെങ്കിൽ നിങ്ങളുടെ കൂട്ടുകാർക്ക് കൂടി ഷെയർ ചെയ്യുക
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