Computer Science
(2021 Admissions)
Time: Two Hours Maximum 60 Marks
Section A (Short Answer Type Questions)
Answer at least eight questions.
Each question carries 3 marks.
All questions can be attended.
Overall Ceiling 24.
1. What is the function of CPU ?
2. What is SMPS?
3. What is Register ? Give the names of various registers.
4. What do you mean by add-on cards ? Give examples.
5. Explain ASCII code.
6. What is a Web server ?
7. What is the use of <embed>tag?
B. What do you mean by a dynamic Web page ?
9. Write an HTML code to generate radio buttons in HTML.
10. What is <audio> tag in advanced HTML.?
11. What are the properties available in CSS for controlling fonts in CSS?
12. How will you create superscript text and subscript text in HTML.?
(8 x 3 = 24 marks)
Section B (Paragraph Type Questions)
Answer at least five questions.
Each question carries marks.
All questions can be attended.
Overall Ceiling 25.
13. Differentiate compiler and interpreter. Give examples for programming languages that use interpreter and compiler.
14. Explain the 1's and 2's complement with an example.
15. What is Gray code ? Compare with BCD.
16. Explain the laws in Boolean algebra.
17. Write an algorithm and draw a Flowchart to check whether a number is odd or even.
18. Explain the formatting tags used for bold, italics and underlined text.
19. Write an HTML script to create a table with two columns Name and Salary and two rows for the table.
(5 x 5 = 25 marks)
Section C (Essay Type Questions)
Answer any one question.
The question carries 11 marks.
20. Explain embedded CSS, external CSS and inline CSS with examples.
21. Explain various symbols used in flow chart. Give the advantages and limitations of flowcharts.
(1 x 11 = 11 marks)
നിങ്ങൾക്ക് ഉപകാരപ്പെട്ടെങ്കിൽ നിങ്ങളുടെ കൂട്ടുകാർക്ക് കൂടി ഷെയർ ചെയ്യുക
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