D 10002
D 10002
(2014 Admissions)
Time: Three Hours Maximum 80 Marks
Part A
Answer all ten questions.
Each question carries 1 mark.
1. Choose the Correct Answer:
1. Which is not part of Manpower Planning?
(a) Developing employment programmes.
(b) Making future manpower forecasts.
(c) Determining capital structure.
(d) Analyzing the current manpower inventory.
2.Which is an Off-the-job Training Method?
(a) Simulation Exercises.
(e) Mentoring,
(c) Coaching.
(b) Job Rotation
3. Which is not a Career Development Method?
(a) Personal Development Plans.
(b)Performance Appraisal System.
(c) Book building.
(d) Discussion with Knowledgeable Individuals.
4. Which is an objective of a pay system?
(a) To retain the present employees.
(b) To achieve optimal capital structure,
(c) To hedge price risk.
(d) To secure modern technology.
5. Which is not an essential characteristic of a Grievance redressal procedure?
(a)Ca Clarity for employees about the line of appeal
(b) Prompt.
(c) Be set up with the participation of the employees
(d) Offer maximum pay.
Fill in the Blanks:
6.__________ a positive process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating
them to apply for the jobs in the organisation.
7.__________ is a systematic and continuous process through which the executives learn
advanced knowledge and skills in managing
8.__________is the formal assessment of employee's work performance against a set of
standard criteria.
9.__________equity ensures that an employee is compensated equally in comparison
similar jobs in the labor market.
10;_________-refers to a condition or attitude, prevailing among employees, with respect
to rules and regulations in an organization.
( 10 x 1= 10 marks)
Part B
Answer any eight questions from the following
Each question carries 2 marks.
11. Define HRM.
12. What is meant by human resource planning
13. Which are the Approaches to training?
14. Why Executive Development in organizations assumes significance"
15. What are the Objectives of the performance appraisal?
16. What is the problem of halo effect in performance appraisal?
17. How Rating Scales are used for performance appraisal?
18. What is bonus?
19. What is Step-ladder procedure in grievance management?
20. What are the Objectives of Discipline?
( 8 x 2 =16 marks)
Part C
Answer any six questions from the following.
Euch question carries 4 murks
21. Distinguish between Personnel Management and Human Resource Management.
22 Which are the advantages of Internal Sources?
23. What are the Objectives of Training Programme?
24. What are the Features of Performance appraisal?
25 Explain the Process of performance appraisal
26. Which are the different types of fringe benefits?
27 What are the objective of any pay system?
28. What are Essentials of a Good Grievance procedure?
( 6 x 4 = 24 marks)
Part D
Answer any two questions from the following
Each question carries 15 marks.
29. Explain the Scope of Human Resource Management.
30. What are characteristics of an effective training environment?
31. What are the Factors affecting wages/compensation in a firm?
( 2 x 15 = 30 marks)
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