C 30256
Time: Three Hours Maximum: 80 Marks
Part I
Objective Questions.
Answer all ten questions. Each question carries 1 mark.
Choose the correct answer:
1. Quantitative Research is based.
(a) Variables. (c) Information.
(b) Attributes. (d) None of these.
2. A hypothesis is a about the predicted relationships among events or variables.
(a) Statement. (b) Conclusion.
(c) Orientation. (d) Study.
3. A good research should be
(a) Systematic. (b) Logical.
(c) Empirical. (d) All of the above.
4. The phases of research design are
(a) Sampling design. (b) Statistical design.
(c) Operational design. (d) All of the above.
5.research deals with practical problems.
(a) Basic. (b) Exploratory.
(c) Applied. (d) Experimental.
Fill in the blanks:
6. Plan of study of a researcher is called the
7. Data processing consists of -coding and tabulation.
8. is the generation of continuum upon which measured objects are located.
9. Classification is one of the methods of data.
10. The scale places events in order.
(10x 1= 10 marks)
Part II
Short Answer Questions.
Answer any eight out of the ten questions in two or three sentences. Each question carries 2 marks.
11. Define Business Research.
12. What is research design?
13. What is measurement?
14. What is Median?
15. What do you mean by hypothesis?
16. What is systematic sampling?
17. What is interval scale?
18. What is secondary data?
19. What is simple random sampling?
20. What is mean?
(8 x 2 = 16 marks)
Part III
Short Essay Questions.
Answer any six out of the eight questions in about 200 words.
Each question carries 4 marks.
21. What are the different types of variables?
22. What are the qualities of good hypothesis?
23. What are the factors affecting the research design?
24. What are the features of exploratory research?
25. Explain the essentials of measurement scale.
26. Explain the characteristics of observation method.
27. Explain the important steps to be followed in problem definition.
28. What are the essentials of a good report?
(6 x 4 = 24 marks)
Part IV
Essay Questions.
Answer any two out of the three questions in about 800 words.
Each question carries 15 marks.
29. What is business research? Explain the features of business research.
30. Explain the various contents of a report.
31. What are the important methods of sampling?
(2 x 15 30 marks)
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