D 74337
D 74337
Complementary Course
Time: Three Hours Maximum: 80 Marks
Part A
(Answer all the question.each question carries 1 mark.)
1.When a small change in price leads to infinite change in quantity demanded, it is called
2. If the commodities are substitute in nature, cross elasticity will be ___________
3. Where boom ends,________ start
4. The differences between the new total revenue and existing total revenue is called _____
5. Fixing high price during the introduction is called ________
6. Iso-cost line indicate the price of:
(a) Output.
(b) Inputs.
(c) Finished goods.
(d) Raw material
7. Related to production function, MRTS stand for:
(a) Marginal revenue and total sales.
(b)Minimum revenue from total sales.
(c) Marginal rate of total supply.
(d) Marginal rate of technical substitution.
8. Which of the following is not a feature of monopolistic completion?
(a) Large number of producers.
(b) Free entry and exit.
(c) More elastic demand.
(d) Price competition.
9. The process of finding current values of demand for various values of prices and other determining variables is called ________
(a) Demand Estimation.
(b) Demand analysis.
(c) Demand function.
(d) Demand forecasting.
10. An increase in income may lead to an increase in the quantity demanded, it is:
(a) Positive income elasticity.
(b) Zero income elasticity
(c) Negative income elasticity.
(d) Unitary income elasticity.
(10 x 1 = 10 marks)
Part B
Answer any eight questions.
Each question carries 2 marks.
11. Mention any three responsibility of a managerial economist,
12. What do you mean by equi-marginal principle?
13. Discuss how the change in quantity of money in circulation affects the demand for the Product.
14. What is law of supply?
15. What is Delphi technique of demand forecasting?
16. Mention any two peculiarities of labour as a factor of production.
17. What is Cobb-Douglas production function?
18. Distinguish between accounting cost and economic cost.
19. What do you mean by kinked demand curve?
20. What is penetrating pricing policy?
(8 x 2 = 16 marks)
Part C
Answer any six questions.
Each question carries 4 marks.
21. Distinguish between economies and managerial economies.
22. Explain the different degrees of elasticity of demand.
23. What are the external diseconomies of scale?
24. What do you mean by perfect competition? What are its characteristics?
25. Explain any five objectives of pricing policy.
26. What is production function? Explain its assumptions.
27. Discuss the macroeconomic concepts which are useful in business decision.
28. What are the stages of a business cycle?
(6 x 4 = 24 marks)
Part D
Answer any two questions.
Each question carries 15 marks.
29. What is demand forecasting? Explain the different methods of demand forecasting.
30. What are the determinants of demand? Explain.
31. What is monopoly? Explain how price and outputs are determined under monopoly.
(2 x 15 = 30 marks)
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