D 52676
D 52676
Complementary Course
(2017 Admissions)
Time: Three Hours Maximum: 80 Marks
Part A
(Answer all the questions. Each question carries 1 mark.)
1. The law which implies that a person demands more at a lower price and less at a higher
price is ________ known as
2. The technique of forecasting demand based on the opinions of the experts is
known as _________
3. In personal price discrimination, different prices are charged to different ________
4. The unemployment which occurs due to mismatch between the jobs that are available and the skills of workers who are seeking jobs is called _________
5. The earnings that might have been obtained from forgone choices or opportunities is called as ________
6. Giffen Paradox is an exception to:
(A) Law of diminishing marginal utility.
(B) Law of demand.
(C) Law of returns to scale.
(D) Law of supply.
7. Among the following which is not a determinant of advertisement elasticity of demand?
(A) Growth of substitutes.
(B) Effectiveness of competing firm's advertisement.
(C) Level of production.
(D) Level of total sales.
8. Which is a characteristic of oligopoly:
(A) One seller.
(B) No transportation cost.
(C) Homogenous product.
(D) Interdependence.
D 52076
9. The market condition in there are only two sellers is called:
(A) Monopoly. (B) Duopoly.
(C) Monopsony. (D) Perfect competition.
10. Among the following which is not a reason for law of Demand:
(A) Diminishing marginal utility. (B) Income effect.
(C) Substitution effect. (D) Production function.
(10 × 1 = 10 marks)
Part B
Answer any eight questions. Each question carries 2 marks.
11. What are the characteristics of managerial economics?
12. What is shown by an Isoquant Curve?
13. What is dumping?
14. How 'Opinion poll approach' is used in demand forecasting?
15. What do you understand by the term economies of scale?
16. What are IPRs?
17. Write any two causes for the operation of the Law of Diminishing returns.
18. Give welfare definition of economics.
19. Which are the types of unemployments?
20. What are explicit costs?
(8 x 2 = 16 marks)
Part C
Answer any six questions.
Bach question curries 4 marks.
21. Distinguish between economics and managerial economics.
22. What are the assumptions of Law of Diminishing returns.
23. What are the purposes of short term demand forecasting?
24. Which are the types of inflation?
25. What are advantages of price leadership?
D 52676
26. Distinguish between cost reduction and cost control.
27. What are the characteristics of perfect competition? 28. Briefly explain the role of
managerial economics.
(6 x 4 = 24 marks)
Part D
Answer any two questions.
Each question carries 15 marks.
29. Bring out meaning and characteristics of monopoly. What are its causes for monopoly?
How prices determined under monopoly?
30. What are problems faced by Indian Economy?
31. Explain the meaning and degrees of price elasticity of demand. Which are the factors
affecting it?
(2 x 15-30 marks)
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