C 32886
C 32886
Complementary Course
(2017 Admissions)
Time: Three Hours Maximum: 80 Marks
Part A
Answer all the questions. Each question carries 1 mark.
1. The graphical presentation of the demand schedule is called _________
2. _______ represents different combinations of inputs which a firm can buy, given a certain
amount of money.
3. The price rigidity under oligopoly is explained by _________ curve.
4. A firm under monopolistic competition will be in the long run equilibrium where
equal to _________
5. The demand for producers' goods is called _________
6. When the demand for a product is tied to the purchase of some parent product, the n
demand is called:
(a) Direct demand. (b) Derived demand.
(c) Autonomous demand. (d) Individual demand.
7. Which is a peculiarity of labour as a factor of production?
(a) Fixed in quantity. (b) Immobile.
(c) Permanent. (d) Perishable.
8. Which is a characteristic of monopolistic competition?
(a) Product differentiation. (b) Price rigidity
(c) Indeterminate demand curve. . (d) Interdependence.
9. If a very small change in price leads to an unlimited change in demand, is a case of:
(a) Perfect inelastic demand. (b) Perfect elastic demand.
(c) Unit elasticity. (d) Relative elasticity of demand.
10. The law which explains how a simultaneous and proportionate increase in all the inputs affects the total output:
(a) Law of equimarginal utility. (d) Law of returns to scale.
(c) Law of Demand. (b) Law of diminishing marginal utility.
(10 x 1=10 marks)
Part B
Answer any eight questions
Each question carries 2 marks.
11. What are the criticisms about wealth definition of economics?
12. What is meant by cross elasticity of demand?
13. In economic theory, what is meant by long run?
14. What is meant by Marginal Rate of Technical Substitution?
15. Give examples for derived demand and direct demand. stuokoss.in
16. What are functions of money in an economy
17. How managerial economics and statistics are related?
18. Write any two external economies of scale.
19. What is inflation?
20. What is stated by a production function?
(8 x 2=16 marks)
Part C
Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks.
21. Bring out the scope of managerial economics.
22. How least-cost combination of inputs is found out? Explain.
23. Briefly explain how the Law of diminishing returns useful for various business decisions.
24. What are the stages in a business cycle in an economy?
25. Which are the characteristics of pure competition?
26. Which are the areas of cost control in a firm?
27. Write a note on poverty eradication measures in India.
28. Briefly explain scarcity definition of economics.
(6x4=24 marks)
Part D
Answer any two questions.
Each question carries 15 marks.
29. Explain the meaning and characteristics of monopolistic competition. Also state the
price- output determination of monopolistic competition.
30. Which are the different types of demand forecasting? Evaluate the methods for as
forecasting demand for existing and new products.
31. Briefly explain how WTO has influenced Indian Economy.
(2 x 15=30 marks)
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