Core Course
(2014 Admissions)
Three Hours Maximum:80 Marks
Part A
or all the questions.
Rack question carries 1 mark.
1.The two factor theory of Motivation was developed by
(a) A.H. Maslow. (b) Douglas Me. Gregor.
(c) Herazborg (d) Rensis Likert.
2. Authority flows from
(a) Top to Bottom. (b) Bottom to top.
(c) Horizontally, (d) All of these.
3. A superior cannot delegate :
(a) Authority. (b) Responsibility,
(e) Duty. (d) None ( these.
4.Communication is also known as Grape wine.
(a) Formal. (b) Informal.
(c) Lateral. (d) None t
5.are the principles, which govern and guide business people to perform business functions.
(a) Business ethics (b) Code of conduct.
(c) All of these. (d) None.
6. In type of organization, workers receive instructions from various specialists.
7. MBO stands for.
8. Theory X and Theory Y was developed by
9. Management may be called as science.
10. The principles of Scientific Management more concerned with the problemS at levels.
(10 x 1 = 10)
Part B
Answer any eight questions.
Each question carries 2 marks.
11. What is staffing ?
12. What do you mean by the principle discipline' in management ?
13. What is a strategic plan ?
14. What is centralization?
15. What is co-ordination!
16. What do you mean by code of ethics in business?
17. Define Management.
18. What is MBO?
19. What is organisational culture ?
20. What do you mean by Line Organisation ?
(8 x 2 = 16 mark)
Part C
Answer any six questions.
Each question carries 4 marks.
21. What is planning ? State the objectives of planning.
22. State the concept of universality of management
23. What is Theory Y of motivation ?
24. "Good business ethics promote good business”. Discuss.
25.Is management a science? Explain,why.
26. What is functional organisation?
27. Briefly discuss the steps involved in a selection process.
28 Discuss Maslow's Need Hierarchy Theory of Motivation.
(6 x 4 = 24 marks)
Part D
Answer any two questions.
Each question carries 15 marks.
29. What is management ? Discuss the different schools of management thought.
30. What are the different types of organisation structure ? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of line and Staff organisation and Functional organisation
31.What are the qualities required for a successful leader?Discuss different leadership styles.
(2 x 15=30 marks)
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