D 93733
(2019 Admissions)
Time : Two Hours and Half Maximum: 80 Marks
Section A
Answer at least ten questions.
Each question carries 3 marks
All questions can attended.
Overall Celling, 30,
1. Define Administration.
2. What is management by participation
3. What is Organising in management?
4. Differentiate intrinsic motivation from extrinsic motivation.
5. What are the leadership theories in management ?
6. What do you mean by co-ordination?
7. What is ethics in business'
8. What do you mean by values ?
9. What is the difference between corporate social responsibility and ethics ?
10. Why is corporate citizenship important ?
11. What is corporate governance?
12. What is functional departmentation?
13. Define "Kaizen".
14. What is MIS
15. What is Gamification?
(10 x 3 = 30 marks)
Section B
Answer at least five questiona
Bach question carries 6 marks,
All questions can be attended.
Overall Ceiling 30
16. Differentiate management from administration.
17. What are the elements of the business eco-system?
18. What do you mean by a fishbone diagram? What are its advantages?
19. Discuss the major stress management techniques
20. Write a short note on the history of CSR.
21. What are the key ethical issues to international business ?
22. What are the major barriers in communication ?
22. What is delegation and what is its importance ?
(5 x6 = 30 marks)
Section C
Answer any two questions.
Bach question carries 10 marks.
24. Define Management and state what are its features.
25. Discuss the contributions of McGregor.
26. What are the factors influencing business ethics ?
27. What are the major principles of leadership?
(2 x 10 - 20 marks)
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