D 70189
D 70189
(2017 Admissions)
Time: Three Hours Maximum: 80 Marks
Part A
Answer all questions.
Each question carries 1 mark.
1. What do you mean by a dynamic web page?
2. How do we link an external CSS file into an HTML file?
3. Why do we need parseInt() function in Javascript?
4. List the various scalar data types in PHP.
5. Define cookies.
6. What is the return type of pg_fetch_row() function?
7. Write the PostgreSQL query for updating an attribute value of a particular tuple uniquely
Identified by primary key.
8. What is the use of frameset tag in HTML5 ?
9. What do you mean by an onBlur Javascript event?
10. Give the formal syntax of pg _connect() PostgreSQL function.
(10 × 1 = 10 marks)
Part B
Answer all questions. Each question carries 2 marks.
11. Explain list() function in PHP with an example.
12. Discuss on sessions in PHP.
13. Write a Javascript program for reading two integers from user using prompt windows and
displaying their sum.
14. Write a short note on date object in Javacsript.
15. Write a note on strcmp() function in PHP.
16. Write a note on various types of comments in PHP.
17. What are superglobal arrays?
18. List any four PHP functions used to retrieve result of a PostgreSQL query execution.
Also, mention their return types.
(8x2= 16 marks)
Part C
Answer any six questions.
Each question carries 4 marks.
19. What are cookies? How do we use cookies for creating sessions? Explain with an
20. Explain any four Javscript events with illustration.
21. Explain frameset tag in HTML5 with an example.
22. Write a PHP script to read an integer from user and print the multiplication table of that
integer. The number of rows in the multiplication tables is also input by the user.
23. List and explain any four string handing functions in PHP.
24. A hypothetical application requires scanned photographs of applicants to be uploaded to
a website. The image should be in JPEG format with size less than or equal to 200 kB.
Write the fragment of PHO/HTML code for implementing the above scenario.
25. Explain pass by value and pass by reference methods of parameter passing with
26. Explain the execution of a SELECT query in PostgrreSQL database and displaying the
Result through a PHP front end.
27. Students of an educational institution has to register online for a Scholarship examination. The registration procedure requires each student to fill in details including Aadhar number, name, date and birth and address. Create a php front end for reading the student details.
(6 x 4 = 24 marks)
Part D
Answer any three questions. Each question carries 10 marks.
28. An institution runs a PostgreSQL DBMS which is shared to two of its departments.
Department A uses a datbase with name Dept A which contains a table staff_info with
the following structure:
Staff id (varchar(5)) Primary Key | Name (varchar(15)) | Salary (int) |
(a) Write a php script to read a tuple from user (use html front end) and insert into the
(5 marks)
(b) Write a php script to select a tuples from the table, which fall into a particular salary
range, and display them on the webpage.
29. Elaborate on various string handling functions in PHP.
30. Elaborate on various families of operators available in PHP.
31. Write an essay on various Javascript events.
(5 marks)
32. Explain any five HTML5 input tags with illustration.
(3 x 10 = 30 marks)
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