D 93722
(2019 Admissions)
Time Two Hours Maximum 60 Marks
Section A
Answer at least eight questions.
Each question carries 3 marks.
All questions can be attended.
Overall Ceiling 24.
1. You are new to the college. You want to go to the office, but you don't know where it is. How will you ask the security guard in the most polite manner ?
2. You have a 4 o' clock appointment with Dr. Karan today. But you will have to miss it for certain unavoidable reasons. How will you express this idea using I'm afraid ?
3. It is raining heavily. You a are inside a store and you need to step out to pick an envelope from your motor bike. You notice someone with an umbrella inside the store. How will you request him for his umbrella ?
4. Rearrange the given jumbled sentence to get the correct expression used for agreement:
no reason/I/can Itol seelitlopposel.
5. Identify the vowel sounds represented by the underlined letters in the following words : live, guard, feel earth.
6. Identify the consonant sounds represented by the underlined letters in the following words and transcribe them : fish, tenth
7. What time the film start ? Look at the question and rewrite it correctly. Justify your corrections.
8. I have visited France. Identify the verb and the helping verb in the sentence.
9. I went to Trivandrum yesterday. Frame a 'Wh' question for this sentence.
10. If we all agree, let's wind up the discussion. Identify the phrasal verb in the sentence and write its meaning.
11. The tornado caused a lot of damage on all parts of the region. Write the idiomatic expression for the underlined phrase.
12. Complete the sentence with the correct forms of verbs : The movie………..
(start) by the time we………… (arrive).
(8 x 3 = 24 marks)
Section B
Answer at least five questions.
Each question carries 5 marks.
All questions can be attended.
Overali Ceiling 25.
13. Prepare a short telephonic conversation in which phrases like
catch etc occur.
14. Complete the sentences with the verbs in parentheses :
(a) If you (study) well, you will pass.
(b) If you (study) well, you would pass.
(c) If you (study) well, you would have passed.
(d) If I had slipped on the stairs, I (break) my arm.
(e) If I were you, I your invitation, (accept)
15. Identify the correct words
(a) Teena/ Teena and Reena plays the violin very loudly.
(b) Tony / We live in that house.
(c) She play /plays badminton.
(d) I like likes coffee.
(e) Rajesh drives / drive too fast.
16. Negate these sentences using don't or doesn't
(a) 1 want bread and butter.
(b) He likes watching TV.
(c) The train has already left.
(d) My mother teaches me.
(e) My kids like to play with cats.
17. Frame sentences using the phrasal verbs given : figure out, get away, carry out, look after, drop in.
18. Frame sentences using the idioms given : pour your heart out to somebody, rack your brains, round the corner, run out of steam, stick to your guns.
19. The sentences below consist of some grammatical mistakes. Identify the mistakes and rewrite them correctly. Justify your corrections.
This food is tasting good.
I have passed my M.A. in 2008.
(5 × 5 = 25 marks)
Section C
Answer any one question.
The question carries 11 marks.
20. Make up a reasonably long dialogue which contains expressions used for polite requests.
Speakers Paul and Clark. Situation: Paul needs to ask his boss, Clark, for permission
to leave work early the next day.
21. Read the text and do as directed :
Concussions are brain injuries that occur when a person
receives a blow to the head, face, or neck. Although most people who suffer a concussion experience initial bouts of dizziness, nausea, and drowsiness, these symptoms often disappear after a few days. The long-term effects of concussions, however, are less understood and far more severe. Recent studies suggest that people who suffer multiple concussions are at significant risk for developing chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), a degenerative brain disorder that causes a variety of dangerous mental and emotional problems to arise weeks, months, or even years after the initial injury. These psychological problems can include depression, anxiety, memory loss, inability to concentrate. and aggression. In extreme cases, people suffering from CTE haveeven committed suicide or homicide.
The ajority of people who develop these issues are athletes who participate in popular high-
sports, especially football. Although new sports regulations and improvements in helmet
technology can help protect players, amateur leagues, the sports media, and fans all bear
some of the responsibility for reducing the incidence of these devastating injuries. Improvements in diagnostic technology have provided substantial evidence to link severe- and often fatal- psychological disorders to the head injuries that players receive while on the field. Recent autopsies performed on the brains of football players who have committed suicide have shownadvanced cases of CTE in every single victim.
In response to the growing understanding of this danger, the National Football League (NFL) has revised its safety regulations. Players who have suffered a head injury on the field must undergo a "concussion sideline assessment"-a series of mental and physical fitness tests- before being allowed back in the game. In an effort to diminish the amount of head and neck & injuries on the field, NFL officials began enforcing stricter penalty calls for helmet-to-helmet contact, leading with the head, and hitting a defenseless player. Furthermore, as of 2010, if a player's helmet is accidentally wrenched from his head during play, the ball is immediately whistled dead. It is hoped that these new regulations, coupled with advances in helmet design, will reduce the number of concussions, and thus curb further cases of CTE.
Efforts by the NFL and other professional sports leagues are certainly laudable; we should commend every attempt to protect the mental and physical health of players. However, new
players, especially young people. regulations at the professional level cannot protect amateur Fatal cases of CTE have been reported in victims as young as 21. Proper tackling form- using the arms and shoulders to aim for a player's midsection-should be taught at an early age.
Youth, high school, and college leagues should also adopt safety rules even more stringent
than those of the NFL. Furthermore, young athletes should be educated about the serious
dangers of head injuries at an early age.
Perhaps the most important factor in reducing the number of traumatic brain injuries, however, lies not with the players, the coaches, or the administrators, but with the media and fans. Sports media producers have become accustomed to showcasing the most aggressive tackles Id the most intense plays. NFL broadcasts oft a replay especially violent collisions while the commentators marvel at the players' physical prowess. Some sports highlights television program seven feature weekly countdowns of the "hardest hits." When the media exalts such dangerous behaviour, professionals are rewarded for injuring eac other on the field and amateurs become more likely to try to imitate their favourite NFL athletes. Announcers, commentators, television producers, and sportswriters should engage in a collective effort to cease glorifying brutal plays. In turn, fans should stop expecting their favourite players to put their lives on the line for the purposes of entertainment. Players must not be encouraged to trade their careers, their health, their happiness, and even their lives for the sake of a game.
Read the following questions and choose the correct option
(a) The long-term effects of concussions are less understood and far more severe. (False/True)
(b) The most important factor in reducing the number of traumatic brain injuries lies with
the players, the coaches, or the administrators. (False/True)
Re-read the text and guess the meanings of the words in bold from the context. Then choose the right synonym or antonym :
(c) The word exalts is opposite in meaning to
(a) Mitigates. (b) Venerates.
(c) Expedites. (d) Castigates.
(d) The word laudable is closest in meaning to
(a) Praiseworthy. (b) Ineffectual.
(c) Memorable. (d) Satisfactory.
Answer the following questions in complete sentences :
(e) What are the initial symptoms of concussions ?
(f) What is one of the merits in the recent improvements in diagnostic technology'
(g) What measures should be taken to protect the mental and physical health of players
and to prevent serious dangers of head injuries ?
(1 x 11 = 11 marks)
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