Time Three Hours Maximum 80 Marks
I. Answer the following bunches of questions :-
1. 'Have been' is used in :
(a) Present Continuous.
(c) Past perfect.
(b) Simple present. ok
(d) Present perfect Continuous.
2. When there is no connection between a linguistic form and its meaning, it is called :
(a) Creativity.
(b) Reflexivity.
(c) Displacement.
(d) Arbitrariness.]
3. 'In the corner' is :
(a) An idiom. (b) A clause.
(c) A phrase. (d) None of these.
4. He could do the work
(a) Quickly. (b) Nice.
(c) Complete.(d) Superb.
5. Identify the past participle:
(a) Learnt. (b) Ran.
(c) Drank. (d) Smell.
'Has' is used in :
(a) Simple present. (b) Past continuous.
(c) Past perfect. (d) Present perfect.
7. What is the meaning of the idiom 'burn the midnight oil'?
(a) Waste effort.
(c) Bring oil at midnight.
(b) Wake up at midnight.
(d) Work hard at all hours.
8.Choose the past participle from the following :
(a) Drove. (b) Blew.
(c) Awoke. (d) Given.
9. Fill the blank :- Gopal………………… to school.
(a) Going. (b) Goes.
(c) Gone. (d) Is gone.
10. The idiom 'hold ones tongue' means
(a) Obey others.
(c) Control yourself.
(b) Remain silent.
(d) None of these.
(10 × 1 = 10 marks)
Il. Answer any ten questions in a sentence or two:
11 What is Paralanguage?
12 What is a Blog ?
13 What is Netiquette? E
14 What is the arbitrariness of language ?
15 Transcribe into phonetic script : (i) Collect and (ii) Perform.
16 Change the voice : The minister may address the gathering.
17 Write two uses of note making.
18 Fill in blanks with suitable phrasal verb :--
The players……………. (wear) their uniform.
19 What is RP?
20 Punctuate the following sentence : life is told by an idiot shakespeare says
21 Fill in the blanks with a suitable clause:-
This is an event………….
22 Fill in blanks with correct articles:-
It is…………… university which is not approved by……………. government.
(10 x 2 = 20 marks)
II. Answer any four questions in a paragraph of 100 words :
23 Explain oral communication and written communication.
24 What is a request ? Write three expressions for accepting and refusing the request with
25 Write a paragraph on the need for exercise in life.
with examples.
26 Explain e-mail.
27 Explain charts and tables.
28 Explain verbal communication.
(4 x 5 = 20 marks)
IV. Answer any two questions in 300 words :
29 Discuss the status of English as a Global language.
30 Write a letter to your principal of the college about the need of canteen facility.
31 Write your resume for the post of an accountant.
32 Write a report on the circus show you have seen.
(2 x 15 = 30 marks)
നിങ്ങൾക്ക് ഉപകാരപ്പെട്ടെങ്കിൽ നിങ്ങളുടെ കൂട്ടുകാർക്ക് കൂടി ഷെയർ ചെയ്യുക
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