D 73252
(2019 Admissions)
Time : Two Hours Maximum:60 Marks
Section A (Short Answer Type Questions)
Answer all questions, each correct answer carries
a maximum of 2 marks. Ceiling 20 marks.
1. Symbolize the statement All men are giants".
2. Draw the truth table of biconditional statement .
3. Give an example of a relation which is both symmetric and antsrymmetric.
4. Define greatest lower bound in Poset.
5. Write the least upperbound and gratest lower bound of the set {3, 5} in the poset < Z - {0}, ≤ > where ≤ is the divides relation.
6. Is the relation R = (< x, y > /x ≥ y) antisymmetric ? Justify.
7. Define a Hamiltonian Graph.
8. Briefly explain spanning tree.
9. What is mean by chromatic number of a graph ?
10. Define cut vertices and cut edge.
11. Write the matrix representation of the graph.
12. Write the definition of incidence matrix:
[ 2 x 10 = 20 ]
Section B (Short Essay Type Questions)
Answer all questions, each correct answer carries a maximum. of 5 marks.
Ceiling 30 marks.
13. Show that for any two sets A and B, A - (A ⋂ B) = A - B.
14. Explain set operations with Venn diagram.
15. Write the Boolean expression x1⊕ x2 in an equivalent sum of products canonical form in three variables x1,x2,x3:
16. Is the "divides" relation a partial ordering on the set of non zero integers ? Explain.
17. Define complete graph. Show that complete graph with n nodes has the maximum number of edges n (n - 1 )/2.
18. Define planar graphs. Is k3,3 a planer graph ? Justify.
19. Explain Depth-first search Algorithm for spanning tree.
[ 5 x 6 = 30 ]
Section C (Essay Type Questions)
Answer any one question, correct answer carries 10 marks.
20. Show that < B, *,⊕,' 0,1 > is a Boolean Algebra. Also explain the properties.
21. Draw the breadth first search spanning tree of the following graph. Explain the algorithm with this example.
[ 1 x 10 = 10 ]
നിങ്ങൾക്ക് ഉപകാരപ്പെട്ടെങ്കിൽ നിങ്ങളുടെ കൂട്ടുകാർക്ക് കൂടി ഷെയർ ചെയ്യുക
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