D 73250
(2019 Admissions)
Time: Two Hours Maximum 60 Marks
Section A (Short Answer Type Questions)
Answer all the questions.
Each question carries a maximum
of 2 marks. Ceiling 20 marks.
1. What is an image scanner ?
2. Explain NIG and motion video card.
3. Why do we use cache memory in computers ? Explain.
4. What are the different steps involves to the execution of instructions by CPU?
5. What is Boolean algebra? Explain.
6. Obtain the Binary Equivalent of the Decimal 56.56.
7. What is a web page? Explain.
8. Expand www and W3C.
9. What is the use of the <FONT> tag explaining it with attributes ?
10. Difference between checkbox and radio bution.
11. How to use the CSS styling based on text format? Explain.
12. What are the different ways to solve problem? Explain one aspect.
[ 2×10 = 20 ]
Section B (Short Essay Type Questions)
Answer all the questions.
Each question carries 5 marks. Ceiling 30 marks.
13. What is a computer Hardware? Explain cards and adapters.
14. Define binary number system, Verify the result of subtracting 5610 from 9210 using binary
15. What are the different theorems of Boolean algebra? Explain each with its proof.
16. What are the different properties of flowchart ? Explain. Draw a flowchart to find the largest number from a given list of numbers.
17. Write a note on URL, DNS and web server.
18. What are the different properties and concept of CSS
19. Create an HTML webpage that offers an opportunity to plan your holidays and getting information about travel and tourism. Use hyperlinks and sufficient pages to display the required information
[ 6 × 5 =30]
Section C (Essay Type Questions)
Answer any one question.
The question carries 10 marks.
20. (a) Describe different navigation links using anchor tags in HTML.
(5 marks)
(b) What is the Sum of Product? Convert F = Σ (1, 2, 3) to Sum of Product Form.
(5 marks)
21. (a) Explain different Background properties in CSS Styling.
(4 marks)
(b) Explain different form controls in HTML.
(6 marks)
[1 × 10 = 10 marks]
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