(2017 Admissions)
Time: Three Hours Maximum: 80 Marks
Section A
Answer all the questions.
Each question carries 1 mark. 1
1. What is Computer ? Why is it also known as a data processor?
2. What is Language Translators? Why it is important in computers?
3. Explain BCD.
4. What is Postulates? Explain.
5. Define an algorithm with example.
6. Explain what is a Web Browser ?
7. Define URL.
8. What is ordered lists ?
9. List the different elements of a table in HTML
10. What is class selector in CSS? Explain.
(10 x 1 = 10 mark)
Section B
Answer all the questions.
Each question carries 2 marks.
11. What is a register ? Explain any 4 commonly used registers with their functions.
12. What is Cache Memory
13. Explain Excess-3 Code in detail with example.
14. Define Minterms and Maxterms.
15. Explain different Flowchart Symbols.
16. Compare-HTML, XHTML, DHTML.
17. Explain the structure of a HTML document.
18. What is a frame? Advantages of using frames in HTML.
(8 x 2 = 16)
Section C
Answer any six questions.
Each question carries 4 marks.
19. Explain Von Neumann architecture.
20. What is a computer Hardware ? Explain SMPS and Ports.
21. What you mean by 1's and 2's Complements ? Explain complement subtractions
22. What is De Morgan's Theorem ? Explain.
23. Write an algorithm to check whether the given number is Prime Number or not.
24. Explain in detail the audio and video tags in HTML media.
25. What are the different steps to post a website or web page onto the Internet? explain
26. Explain the spanning in table with example.
27. Explain how to create text, password, button and checkbox ?
(6 x 4 = 24 marks)
Section D
Answer any three questions.
Each question carries 10 marks.
28. What is mean by a Secondary Storage Device ? List the different secondary storage devices and explain any 5 with their functioning.
29. Minimize four variables Boolean equation using K-map method. Explain.
30. Describe different Basic Formatting Tags in HTML 5.
31. Explain different Background properties in CSS Styling.
32. Write a short note on :
(a) ASCII Code and Unicode.
(b) Network cables and Ports.
(c) www and W3C.
(3 x 10 = 30 marks)
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