D 71560
B.Com./B.Com. Vocational
(2017 Admissions)
Time: Three Hours Maximum: 80 Marks
Part I
Answer all questions. Each question carries 1 mark.
I. Choose the correct answer:
1. Under this method of job analysis the materials and equipment used, the working
conditions and probable hazards, and an understanding of what the work involves are the
facts which should be known by an analyst !
(a)maintenance of Long Records.
(b) Critical Incidents.
(c) Personal Observation.
(d) Sending out of Questionnaires:
2. A technical term used when employees working elsewhere are attracted to join
organisations. The organisations are always on the lookout for qualified professionals, and
are willing to offer them a better deal if they make the switch:
(a) Raiding. (b) Telecasting.
(d) Outsourcing. (c) Labour contracting.
3. This test aims at testing the mental capacity of a person with respect to reasoning, word
fluency, numbers, memory, comprehension, picture arrangement, etc. It measures the
abiliy to grasp, understand and to make judgement:
(a) Aptitude Tests. (b) Achievement Tests..
(d) Interest Tests. (c) Intelligence Tests
4. This is an organised activity for increasing the knowledge and skills of people for a definite
(a) Punishment. (b) Selection.
(d) Training. (c) Recruitment.
5 This is the process of assessing the performance or progress of an employee, or a group
of employees on the given job, as well as his potential for future development:
(a) Job evaluation. (b) Performance appraisal.
(d) Career development. (c) Testing.
II. Fill up the blanks:
6…………….. means something, such as money, given or received as payment for service.
7. ……………is a system of wage payment under it a minimum weekly wage is guaranteed
for a full weeks' work, with an alternative piece-rate determined by the rate fixed on the
assumption that the worker would put enough effort to earn his minimum wage.
8……………. are monetary benefits paid to workmen in lieu of their outstanding performance
9…………….. is plan which minimum wages are guaranteed given to worker at the ordinary
rate for the time taken to complete the work and Bonus is that proportion of the wages of
the time taken which the time saved bears to the standard time allowed.
10. ……………. is the force that prompts an individual or a group to observe the rules,
regulations and procedures which are deemed to be necessary to the attainment of an
objective; it is force or fear of force which restrain an individual or a group from doing
things which are deemed to be destructive of group objectives.
(10 x 1 10 marks)
Part II (Short answer)
Answer any eight questions.
Each question carries 2 marks.
1 Human Resource Management is a pervasive function of management. Why? .
12 Human resource planning is a double-edged weapon. Do you agree?
13 What are the sources from which information for job analysis can be obtained
14 Define Job Description.
15 What do you mean by merit rating?
16 What do you mean by career planning?
17 What is indiscipline?
18 Define grievance.
19 What do you mean by fringe benefits?
20 Name the individual incentive systems of wage payments.
(8 x 2 = 16 marks)
Part III (Short Essay)
Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks.
21 State the objectives of HRM.
22 Distinguish between HRM and Personnel Management.
23 What are the major steps involved in HR Planning?
24 What do you mean by induction? What are its objectives?
25 What are the factors affecting salary and wages administration?
26 State the principles of discipline.
27 Mention the objectives of compensation planning.
28 State the objectives of career planning.
(6 x 424 marks)
Part IV (Long Essay)
Answer any two questions. Each question carries 15 marks.
29 Define job evaluation. Mention its objectives principles and methods.
30 Define performance evaluation. Mention the Essentials of an Effective Performance
Appraisal System, and also it's the process.
31 Write an essay on MBO
(2 x 15 30 marks)
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