D 93689
(2017 Admissions)
Time:Three Hours Maximum:80 Marks
I. (A) Choose the correct answer from the options :
1.Who left the elderly infant to explore the rooms of age in the poem "The house of my
childhood" ?
(a) Family members. (b) Grandmother.
(c) Season. (d) Sons and daughters.
2. Old folks laugh is compared to which musical instrument ?
(a) Drum. (b) Flute.
(c) Violin. (d) Tambourine.
3. Who is Charlie ?
(a) Mr. Maloney. (b) The Doctor.
(c) The brother of Mrs. Maloney. (d). Policeman.
4. E.V. Lucas was associated with the humour magazine called :
Phantom Journal. (b) Punch.
The Globe. (d) The Academy.
5. got his inspiration to write the song from…………..
(a) Beat writers. (b) Ballads
(c) Folk songs. (d) All of the above.
(5 x 1 = 5 marks)
(B) Answer all the following questions in a word or a phrase
6. What were some of the posh lunches children used to carry ?
7. Who is the 'bosom friend of the maturing sun' ?
8. What is Miss Grace Scott's profession'
9. To whom does the poet say "Don't stand in the doorway/Don't block up the hall" ?
10. City of Samarra stands on the bank of………………..
(5 x 1 = 5 marks)
II. Answer any ten from the following in one or two sentences :
11. What is the attitude of the city dwellers towards the roadside stand ?
12. What does the poet mean when she uses the word "simpering" in "Old Folks Laugh" ?
13. How does the speaker in 'Once Upon A Time' compare the laugh in the past and now ?
14. What are the exceptions of furniture that the speaker talks about ?
15. What is "the best and worst of remembering" ?
16. What do you mean by "ice-block-cold eyes" '
17. What does 'appointment' mean in the tale
18. What bothers Jerome about his aunt
19. The author does not reveal what Patrick's reasons were, for leaving his wife.Why do you think the author does so ?
20. Why does Lucas say that everybody is a bore at some time ?
21. What was the invitation from the office of the president in 1977 that NASA received and
Why did it decline it ?
22. What is the Confederate Daughters ?
(10 × 2 = 20 marks)
III. Answer any four of the following questions in a paragraph :
23 How does the meaning of the word "state" change with each occurrence in Sonnet 29?
24 How does the poet personify autumn in Keats's poem ?
25 Discuss the element of black humour in *A Shocking Accident' ?
26 Do you think Mary really loved her husband ? Support your answer by quoting from the
27 Why does Lucas describe Bores as happy menand world's axle trees ?
28 The need for professional scientist to make a choice in their research goals.
(4 x 5 = 20 marks)
V. Answer any two of the following in an essay :
29 Discuss the humour in the story 'It Used to Be Green Once.'
30 Write an essay on the significance of the title 'Lamb to the Slaughter". self importance and pomposity, and her inability to establish E any
31 How does Dilip Chitre look at the passage of time ?
32 In "Something Unspoken," Tennesse Williams expressive relationship with others. Elucidate.
(2 x 15 = 30 marks)
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