D 92825
Time: Three Hours Maximum: 80 Marks
Part I (Answer All)
1. Wealth Definition of Economics is contributed by :
(a) Alfred Marshall. (b) Lionel Robbins.
(c) Adam Smith. (d) Carl Max.
2. The demand for necessaries is :
(a) Elastic. (b) Inelastic.
(c) Perfect elastic. (d) Uniform elastic.
3. Which one is a downward movement of the business cycle?
(a) Recession. (b) Boom.
(c) Recovery. (d) None of the above.
+ A single seller market:
(a) Oligopoly. (b) Monopoly.
(c) Monopolistic. (d) Perfect completion.
5. Managerial economics is applied to a firm's:
(a) Process, (b) Decision-making.
(c) Problem solving. (d) Both (b) and (c).
6. Economics is the study of the behaviour of an individual economic unit.
7. In phase of business cycle, general demand falls faster than production.
8. An increase in any factor of production, when the other factors are constant, will lead to an in output.
9. An isoquant further from the origin, represents output.
10. pricing policy is adopted when a product meant for higher income group is introduced in the market
(10 x 1 = 10 marks)
Part 11 (Short answer questions)
Answer any eight questions.
11. Define managerial economics.
12. Define price elasticity of demand.
13. What is meant by production function?
14. What is meant by the utility of a product?
15. Define isoquant.
16. What is meant by price differentiation?
17. What is the kinked demand curve :
18. What is meant by returns to scale?
19. Define oligopoly.
20. What is meant by price leadership?
(8 x 2 = 16 marks)
Part 111 (Short Essay)
Answer any six questions.
21. Explain the nature of managerial economics.
22. Elaborate the reasons behind the downward slope of the demand curve.
23. Explain the causes of inflation.
24. Explain the Laws of returns to scale.
25. How a new product is priced? Explain.
26. Distinguish between production function and cost function.
27. Explain the properties of Isoquants.
28. Explain the features of perfect competition.
(6 x 4 = 24 marks)
Part IV (Long Essay)
Answer any two questions.
29. Explain the uses and tools of Managerial economics.
30. Elaborate on the Law of demand.
31. What are the different methods of pricing?
(2 x 15 30 markst
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