D 52678
D 52678
Complementary Course
Time: Three Hours Maximum: 80 Marks
Part A (Objective Questions)
Answer all ten questions.
Choose the correct answer:
1. __________ is known as the father of economics'.
(a) A. C. Pigou. (b) Lionel Robbins.
(C) Adam Smith. (d) Alfred Marshall.
2. Which one is not a characteristic of managerial economics?
(a) Micro economics. (b) Normative science.
(c) Positive science. (d) Pragmatic.
3. The demand has three essentials- Desire, Purchasing power and ___________
(a) Quantity. (b) Cash.
(c) Supply. (d) Willingness to purchase.
4. Which of the following is not a feature of monopolistic completion?
(a) Large number of producers. (b) Free entry and exit.
(c) More elastic demand. (d) Price competition.
5. The monopoly can be controlled by ___________
(a) Social boycott. (b) Antimonopoly legislation.
(c) Public ownership. (d) All of these.
Fill in the blanks:
6.”_________ in economics means demand backed up by enough money to pay for the goods demanded"
7. The concept of Elasticity of Demand was introduced by __________
8. A firm that is the sole seller of a product without close substitutes is called __________
9. A normal supply curve is ______ sloped.
10. Fiscal policy is implemented by ___________
(10x 1-10 marks)
Part B (Short Answer Questions)
Answer any eight out of the ten questions in two or three sentences.
11. Define Managerial Economics.
12. Define law of demand.
13. What is monopolistic competition?
14. Define individual demand.
15. What is perfect competition?
16. Define elasticity of demand.
17. Define Demand.
18. What are diseconomies of scale?
19. What is demand estimation?
20. What is income elasticity of demand?
(8 x 2-16 marks)
Part C (Short Essay Questions)
Answer any six out of the eight questions in about 200 words.
21. What are the importances of managerial economices?
22. Discuss the important methods of business forecasting.
23. What are the properties of isoquants?
24. What are the objectives of demand analysis? 25. What are the importances of elasticity
of demand?
26. Why does demand curve slope downwards?
27. Discuss the factors affecting price elasticity of demand.
28. What are the tools and techniques of demand estimation?
(6 x 4 = 24 marks)
Part D (Essay Questions)
Answer any two out of the three questions in about 800 words.
29. Explain the important macroeconomic parameters that influence business
30. "Managerial economics is a tool for decision-making and forward planning". Discuss.
31. What is monopolistic competition? Explain the features of monopolistic competition.
(2 x 15-30 marks)
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