C 32888
C 32888
Complementary Course
Time: Three Hours Maximum: 80 Marks
Part I (Objective Questions)
Answer all ten questions.
Choose the correct answer:
1 .Managerial Economics is:
(a) Abstract. (b) Theoretical.
(c) Practical. (d) None of these.
2 .A demand curve slops :
(a) Upward from left to right.
(b) ownward from left to right.
(c) Upward from right to left.
(d) Downward from right to left.
3 .Returns to scale operates in the :
(a) Long run. (b), Short run.
(c) Market period. (d) None of these.
4 .Product differentiation is a characteristic of:
(a) Monopoly. (b) Perfect competition.
(c) Monopolistic competition. (d) Oligopoly.
5 .Expansion of economic activity happens during :
(a) Boom. (b) Recession.
(c) Depression. (d) Recovery.
Fill in the blanks:
6 .Managerial economics integrates economic theory with _______ practice.
7 .Price and quantity demanded are ________ related.
8. A normal supply curve is ________ sloped.
9 .Price leadership is a feature of __________
10 .Fiscal policy is implemented by _________
(10x 1= 10 marks)
Part II (Short Answer Questions)
Answer any eight out of the ten questions in two or three sentences.
11 .What do you mean by managerial economics?
12 .What is demand?
13 .What is law of demand?
14 .Define elasticity of demand?
15 .What is trade cycle?
16 .What is perfect competition?
17 .What is oligopoly?
18 .What is market demand?
19 .Define elasticity of demand.
20 .What is price elasticity of demand?
(8 x 2 = 16 marks)
Part III (Short Essay Questions)
Answer any six out of the eight questions in about 200 words.
21 .What are the objectives of managerial economics?
22 .What are the differences between economics and managerial economics?
23 .What are the objectives of demand analysis?
24 .Discuss the determinants of elasticity of demand.
25 .What are the characteristics of a business cycle?
26 .What are the different types of price elasticity of demand?
27 .What are the importances of elasticity of demand?
28. What are the tools and techniques of demand estimation?
(6 x 4 = 24 marks)
Part IV (Essay Questions)
Answer any two out of the three questions in about 800 words.
29. "Managerial Economics as a tool for decision-making and forward planning" Discuss.
30 .What is monopoly? Explain the features and causes of monopoly.
31 .Explain the economies and diseconomies of scale.
(2 x 15 = 30 marks)
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